1. One thing that surprised me about myself this week:
I have been thinking about taking an online certification to become a health coach for a few years now. I wanted to wait till my son turns one or is sleeping through the night (2 months till he's one- who knows when the later will happen!) Well I called to get additional information the Monday my BBG week 8 started and that just so happened to be a day that they were starting a new class. So I signed up thinking to myself "why put off until tomorrow what can be done today?". I panicked a little at first how am I going to be able to do it all and still get my BBG workouts in which are so important to me?! But I took a deep breath and told myself one day at a time - and what an amazing thing for my son to grow up with a health coach as a mom!
2. The #1 thing that made me happy this week was:
I upped my weights for my weighted step ups by 5 more pounds on Monday then another 5 pounds on Friday!! 2 personal records in one week!! It would have been so easy for me to stay with my Monday weight on Friday but I pushed myself and was so proud on Friday when I upped my weight again.
3. Something that didn't go as planned this week was:
I had my husband working out with me for a minute there so I switched my workouts from AM to PM. Well he's off the workout wagon so I'm working out alone again. I really struggled with trying to get up and workout in the AM - I wasn't able to drag myself out of bed for an AM workout any day last week. I caught myself getting down on myself about it then I reminded myself an articale I read a while back about the best times to workout. After stating a few facts giving benefits of morning and night workouts the closing paragraph basically just said you know what- the best time to workout is whenever you can make time. So I reminded myself of that and patted myself on the back for making time.
4. My toughest hurdle this week was:
I was dragging through the workouts- I did manage to up my weights but my energy level all week was pretty low. When you're tired pysichally it really affects you mentally with how hard you push yourself. I did my best to not compare my performances with past weeks but to pat myself on the back for showing up and working out instead of making excuses.
5. What I want to remember this week is:
Life really is all about perspective. Before this week I was a stay at home mom who made time to workout everyday. Now I'm a stay at home mom who's back in school and making time to work out everyday. Before I had the school component mixed in I didn't think I had any time to add anything to my plate. When I step back and think bout it even though right now I don't feel like I have a sec me a day to spare there are people out there doing what I'm doing and working full time too! Now that I'm back in school it would be so easy to cut out my workouts or make excuses- but I owe it to myself and my son to be the healthiest I can be.