Sunday, March 13, 2016

BBG week 6 Q&A

1. One thing that surprised me about myself this week:
I was surprised I couldn't hold plank for a minute straight in the circuit! Normally holding plank for a minute straight is hard for me but doable. But for the plank portion in the workouts when my muscles were already fatigued from the exercises I couldn't hold plank for a minute straight! This was a huge call to action for me as holding plank for a minute is as basic as it gets for someone of my fitness level. So I've started holding plank every night for my max time and my goal is to hold for longer every night. I'm on day 3 and so far so good!

2. The #1 thing that made me happy this week:
I can feel myself progressing with the weighted exercises and feel I'm not quiet ready but almost ready to move up with my weights again. Seriously the progressions I've been making with this program are just amazing to me and by far blow all of my other training out of the water with how far I've come in such a short period of time.

3. Something that didn't go as planned this week was:
I walked for one of my LISS sessions. When I started BBG i would have never thought walking would count as a workout and vowed to have all of my LISS sessions be at least on the elliptical or running with a proper sweat and heart rate at least 130bpm. This week I walked for my 3rd LISS session and broke out in a decent sweat! It was an "ah-ha" moment for me that I needed to switch up my cardio more and not let my body anticipate my LISS sessions so much. I woke up the next day feeling just as lean as the day before not feeling extra bulky cause I didn't burn an extra 200 calories or anything. So from now on I all be incorporating more walking and bike rides for my LISS sessions along with running and elliptical work.

4. My toughest hurdle this week was:
On Monday I got a little over halfway through my workout and by son started fussing to be held so I had to repeat the workout after he went to bed at 9pm. That was the latest I'd ever done a BBG workout. Especially hard after running around after a very active 9 month old from 6:30am on. But I did it pushed my hardest through it and went to bed on Monday with a huge sense of accomplishment. 

5. What I want to remember this week is:
Before I started BBG I couldn't run for more than a minute straight. I'd never been a runner and would "sprint". My dad would ride his bike along side while I "ran" and he would barely be able to peddle at times just coast next to me. We went for a run together this past week with me pushing my son in his stroller and holding my 20lb beagle's leash next to my dad on the bike. I didn't have to stop the entire time of my LISS session for the day! Even my Dad noticed the difference in my endurance since starting BBG!

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