There are so many benefits to buying frozen vs fresh produce - frozen produce generally saves a few dollars per package and an even bigger benefit it has a much longer shelf life than fresh produce. For people like me that absolutely hate wasting food this makes a huge difference! When I buy fresh fruits and veggies and realize I'm not going to be using them before they go bad I find myself chopping them up and freezing them for later use anyway so I've started buying more and more frozen veggies and fruits. Although frozen produce clearly won't work for every dish you're preparing they're a great alternative for many meals.
Frozen vegetables and fruits are actually more nutrient dense than most of the fresh produce you buy at the store! If you think about it by the time you're buying and taking home fresh produce its gone through nearly a weeks worth of life from being picked, packaged to traveling to the grocery store then being sorted on the shelf behind the produce they have that hasnt sold so grocers can sell the older produce first before it goes bad. Frozen produce is picked at its peak of freshness and frozen so it's generally more nutrient dense than fresh produce which looses nutrients the longer it sits after it's been picked and packaged.
The convenience of frozen vs fresh food is unarguable! And considering the average person eats a third of the suggested daily intake of produce (3 daily servings instead of the suggested 9) I'd say the more convenient produce can be the better!! I find myself always buying frozen spinach and berries to make my daily morning smoothie- as well as frozen broccoli to heat up, drain and throw on a salad or use as a side dish for an easy dinner.
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