Here are some of the top health benefits of drink ACV:
-calm an upset tummy
The antimicrobrial properties and pectin can calm an upset stomach and help fight bacteria including diahrea when mixed with water and drank.
-cure a sore throat
When garbled the bacteria fighting properties in ACV can fight any bacteria in your throat that might be causing you discomfort.
-clears a stuffy nose
The potassium in ACV when swallowed can thin out the mucus build up in your nose and help clear up a runny nose!
-help with weight loss
The acidic taste of ACV helps to suppress your appetite - while increasing your metabolism and reducing bloat from water retention! Also the anti glycemic effect in ACV helps to control blood sugar leaving you feeling fuller for longer.
-give you more energy
The amino acids, potassium and enzymes of ACV help relieve feelings of exhaustion in part by getting your lactic acid flowing.
-curing bad breath
-since ACV fights bacteria- gargling it helps fight bacteria in your mouth that would otherwise result in bad breath!
-stopping hiccups
By over stimulating the nerves in your throat with its sour taste swallowing ACV straight up when hiccuping can stop your hiccups in their tracks!
With many other benefits from teeth whitening to clearing up bad skin there are so many reasons to incorporate ACV into your daily healthy regimen!
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