When most people think of fast food they think pizza or places like McDonald's. Some people even get excited to be able to get food for $1 at places like that. Seriously think about it - food should NOT cost $1! Over the past few decades the amount of money we spend on health care and food has flipped- I don't have the exact numbers but something like 30 years ago people spent 80% of a percentage of their money on food and 20% on health care and medical bills. Now it's the opposite the average person spends something like 5 times more on health care costs than food BECAUSE they're eating bad food.
Being a stay at home mom to an 8 month old that will let me put him down for 10 minutes at a time maybe once or twice an hour if I'm lucky doesn't give me a lot of time to prepare fancy meals (totally not complaining my son is the best thing ever and I'm gonna have killer arms in the end ;). It would be so easy for me to get processed food and microwaveable dinners. But even the "Healthy Choice" prepared meals contain up to 100 times the level of sodium in them than fresh food. Think about it fresh veggies only last a week or so when they're store bought so really how much processing etc is going into so many of the foods out there that don't expire for months yet have fresh foods in them. ALOT!
In an ideal world meal prepping for a few days is a great way to stay ahead of the game and make sure that in your everyday busy life you have healthy options to eat on the run. But we all know too well we hardly live in an ideal world - sometimes life just gets ahead of me and I can't meal prep. I can just as easily throw a salad together or throw a microwaveable meal in the microwave - the salad obviously is the much healthier option. The salad above is my "go-to" on meal when I'm starving with no meals prepped or when my son is giving me one of my 10 minute "breaks" to prep a meal and gobble it down!
-pre washed veggies
-microwaveable organic chicken strips (ideally I oven grill a box of organic chicken breasts and have them in the fridge at all times but if I'm out - easy!)
-microwaveable quinoa (again- ideally I meal prep a few cups of quinoa and have them in the fridge at all times but this works in a pinch)
-chopped up red onion (to add a nice crunch and make me not miss croutons)
There's really no excuses here- this and so many other meals can take just about the same exact time as a microwaveable meal but tastes so much fresher and is so much healthier! Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
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