Friday, March 18, 2016

"Approach" goals vs "avoid" goals

Goals are no doubt a crucial part of anyone's fitness journey. The self talk we use when we goal set is so important and crucial to our success. It's natural to have goals be listing things you want to avoid- the #oneperfectweek I referenced a few blogs back for example had a lot of avoid goals. 

-no processed food
-no cheat meals
-no going over calories for the day, etc.

It's so important to step back and look at the verbiage we're using when goal setting. On initial thought for some people goal setting and setting restricting guidelines for themselves makes total sense on the best way to reach those goals. Using "avoiding" terminology like the above list is setting yourself up for failure. It's negative self talk and telling yourself to stop doing something backfires into continuing to do it- the forbidden fruit scenario. When you step back and think about it this makes total sense no one likes being told what to do- even by themselves! 

Replacing "avoiding" goals with "approach" goals makes all the difference in helping to reach those goals through positive self talk. In reference to the above transformation picture of my BBG progress through the first 6 weeks my goals when I started could have been:

-loose my stomach "pooch"
-have my things not touch 
-look better naked

But those goals are negative self talk and serve a whole lot better if you replace the negatives with actions you can do to make the changes you want to see. For example:

-loose my pooch >> -work on engaging my core more through my workouts
-have my thighs not touch >> - concentrate on going as deep as I can in my squats and really firing up 
-look better naked >> -give 100% effort for every workout I do 

These "approach" goals help by not just point out the negatives I want to change but give me practical steps I can take to empower myself to make the changes. Also, they serve as a much more self respecting dialogue. 

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