Monday, February 15, 2016

Eating slower

As a new mom I've developed that terrible habit most new parents do of eating my meals way too fast. It's so much easier to throw a salad down in under 5 minutes rather than to take 30 minutes standing up holding your baby on your hip with one hand and eating with your opposite hand. Even when people are over and offer to hold my son or he's asleep I find myself eating way too fast so I can be ready in case he starts crying for me. It's really taken away some of the pleasure that I was had of eating a nice meal. A lot of new parents go through this as well as a lot of busy people all over that are going 1,000 miles an hour through their days. 

It's very important that we slow down our eating and keep conscious of the fact that it takes our stomachs 20 minutes to communicate to our brains that were full. Eating slower is also important to be able to get the maximum amount of enjoyment and pleasure out of our meal. 

Other than being conscious to eat slower and take more breaks between bites - here are a few easy ways you can set a more mindful environment for yourself -

-Don't let 4 hours pass in between meals 
-Drink a large glass of water before every meal 
-Always sit down at a table to eat
-Don't eat in front of the tv
-Turn on some music 
-don't bring your phones or tablets to the table 

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