Everyday I incorporate my son In some form of my exercise. Even if it's as little as stretching, I make it a point to be active in front of him everyday. Yes, it takes at least double the amount of time keeping him occupied and trying to hold a plank. Yes it is more distracting and I probably am not getting as good of focus on my muscles as I would without him. BUT as a parent I can't ignore the fact that one in three of out children today will develop type 2 diabetes! I can tell him to eat healthy and move his body until I'm blue in the face but I know unless I'm living my life as an example of it my words won't mean anything.
I've heard from countless new moms excuses they can't workout - too tired, my baby won't let me put them down, afraid of injury etc. it's hard to find a nice way to say to them that every mom who has made fitness after baby a priority could have used each one of those excuses! There's ways to get around every excuse you can think of - it's your choice how you want to raise your child and the example you will be. One of my favorite quotes that parallels beautiful with this is "instead of saying I don't have time try it's not a priority and see how that feels". Now I wait until my son goes to bed or have my husband watch him while I do my resistance training 3 times a week so I can balance mom life and my personal goals of muscle building. BUT for cardio and stretching I make sure to prioritize having my son can't be right by my side.
As a parent there's so much you can't control which is just an unfortunate reality of life. There are so many more "controllables" we can choose to focus on and take advantage of. Fitness and pyshical activity is a huge one that will benefit your child for life and cause an amazing ripple effect throughout your community to the other children he or she comes in contact with.
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