Saturday, February 13, 2016

Enough excuses!

Most people that workout on the regular have at least a few people in their life that don't and communicate a lot to them why they can't workout. Sure there are medical reasons why some people should not work out - but most of the time the excuses are not valid reasons why they can't workout. It's all about your personal priorities. Here are some of the top excuses people make to justify not working out and why they are NOT valid:

Even if you just get your blood flowing and body moving for 30 minutes a day that's literally 2% of your day! The average person spends way more than 30 minutes a day watching tv, cruising the Internet, on social media, etc. So if this is really you're excuse than try saying "It's not a priority" instead of "I don't have time" and see if that changes your mindset at all. 

Using your children as an excuse to not workout is just that a big excuse. I've worked out with my son in the carrier since he was 6 weeks old (carefully of course)! How can I raise my child telling him to workout and eat healthy if I don't myself? We are our children's biggest role models. Although there's no denying things can get a little more complicated working out with little ones in tow it all goes back to the old adage "where there's a will there's a way"! There are tons of videos on YouTube of parents working out incorporating kids of all ages to help motivate and give some ideas. I always say my son is my reason not my excuse. 

It's totally understandable to want to hit the snooze button before your day starts or sit on the couch and watch tv instead of working out at night. But you just need to commit! It's proven if you skip one day you're more likely to skip consecutive days and not stay on a regimen. Screw the whole "starting on Monday" idea! Why let another day pass before you take the steps to be the healthiest person you can be for your family your friends and most importantly yourself. Start controlling your mind and commit - even 3 days a week is going to get you more progress than nothing!

Gym memberships can range from $10 a month to $100 a month depending on the facility. If you're not in a financial position to spare anything that's totally ok. There are hundreds of body weight exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home for free! Again YouTube is a great tool when you're just starting out with a routine to get you going.

There are countless more excuses out there but with each one comes countless reasons why you should workout anyway (unless you have a medical reason of course). Take control of your body and your mind and start moving today for a healthier tomorrow. 

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