Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Meal prep - Healthy Chocolate moose

Meal prepping is crucial for me to stay healthy with my food choices. I'm a huge proponent of planning out your meals in advance so you can make sure you not going over calories as well as getting a proper mix of healthy fats - proteins and carbs. I meal prep everything in my household in individual serve containers so I don't have to measure out my calories day to day when I'm running around. I take a few extra minutes while making the food to measure out servings. For me I find makes life a lot easier with servings pre measured. Also staying on track becomes much more realistic! I don't always get the luxury of the extra minute it takes to measure out my food when I'm going to eat it with a squirmy almost crawling 8 month old.

Here is a recipe for healthy chocolate mouse!

5 bananas 
2 1/2 avocados 
2/3 cup cocoa powder 
1 tbs vanilla extract
2 tbs maple syrup 

I mix the bananas in my food processor - add the avocados make sure everything is well mixed - then add the rest of the ingredients and mix for 5 more seconds and voila!

This will make six 4oz servings (the above picture is a double batch)

Each serving is 158 calories - 25g carbs / 9g fat / 3g protein

I like to make a double batch while I'm at it (mostly because I hate cleaning my food processor hahaa) but it freezes well! So I freeze 2/3 and keep a few in the fridge at a time for when my sweet tooth comes out to play!

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