Tuesday, February 2, 2016

4 reasons to eat peanut butter everyday

Peanut butter - in moderation - is super good for you and can have great health benefits! Here are four reasons you should eat peanut butter everyday-

-it's an excellent source of protein! Containing 4g of protein a tablespoon! This makes peanut butter a great source to building and repair muscles after training. Also peanut butter is packed with fiber which combined with the protein will help control your blood sugar and help you feel fuller longer.

-peanut butter helps improve your health! The unsaturated fat In peanut butter over time aids in heart health. Peanut butter also packs in the potassium! To be exact peanut butter has 105mg of potassium in every tablespoon which serve to help reduce stroke and blood pressure!

-the healthy fats and protein in peanut butter make it the perfect calorie dense food to start your day with and ensure you have the max amount of energy coming your way. I have eggs and peanut butter most mornings - DELISH! And a great way to jump start my metabolism for the day with some of the healthiest fats and proteins I can provide my body.

-peanut butter - again in moderation - actually has been proven to help aid in weight loss! With all the protein , healthy fats and fiber it packs it is the perfect calorie dense food to help sustain your blood sugar longer. Therefor it helps you stay fuller longer and helps fight off cravings!

Keep in mind quality of the food you eat makes a huge difference in how it affects your body and how it'll make you feel. The numbers above are a representation of organic natural peanut butter. Commercial brands lot of pb can have sodium levels up to double most natural brands -yikes!

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